Dearest friends,
just like a mosaic, weaving tiny little pieces together one by one, the forthcoming festival brings together, confronts and reflects the issues that have been kept alive in our minds here in Bunker for the last couple of years. Namely, how to establish an art-based arena of ideas and opportunities, emerging through the intertwining of themes such as ecology, social inclusion, cooperation, spatial planning, solidarity economy or cultural policy.
The festival programme board stayed true to its decision not to impose any thematic structures on the festival in advance; instead of dictating our content-related expectations to an artist and thus placing him or her in a predefined sphere of action, we prefer maintaining fluid sensitivity and keeping an open door to the surprises and specifics of the current Zeitgeist. Genuine concern over what the future may bring could very well be defined as the underlying theme of the forthcoming festival performances, each assuming its own specific form, be it environment, notably nature, consumerism as lifestyle or historical memory.
Instead of walking the threaded path of the previous Mladi levi festivals in their accentuated interest for intimately personal individual stories, this year’s festival and its artists reveal a fascination with social relations and the engaged manner in which an individual is willing and capable of negotiating them. We are ourselves trying to find appropriate solutions for some of these issues by introducing a set of activities to the Tabor district, the fleeting nature of which – as we came to learn from the local inhabitants – was not only seen as lacking in character and identity, but was also short of greenery and called for a stronger social dimension. Cultural, artistic and educational players on the one hand – and individuals in our neighbourhood on the other – help us invest our efforts in trying to reawaken the sense of community by turning the problems to our advantage and making the most out of the potential offered by the neighbourhood.
We are therefore proud to present the newly formed Cultural Quarter Tabor, the first community garden and rebirth of the Tabor park, whereby our most recent project of interactive installations aims to bring life to the dull platform located amongst the museums in the Metelkova street. All of the above activities will come to intertwine, while the global artists and the local inhabitants will meet at the performances, socialize and – first and foremost – enjoy themselves in the most primal act of creativity: play.
festival program
FRI. 19.8.
7.30 p.m.
Otvoritev festivala
SUN. 21.8.
9.30 p.m.
Mlade rime – Mladi levi
branja poezije
TUE. 23.8.
9.30 p.m.
Mlade rime – Mladi levi
branja poezije
THU. 25.8.
9.30 p.m.
Mlade rime – Mladi levi
branja poezije
SAT. 27.8.
9.30 p.m.
Mlade rime – Mladi levi
branja poezije
International festival Mladi Levi is one of the more prominent annual events of the Bunker Institute, bringing the most current stage performers from all over the world to Ljubljana every end of the summer, since 1998. It bears a mark of a demanding artistic profile, placed within the arena of contemporary progressive theatre and takes pride in its reputation for discovering young talents. The Festival has a distinctive atmosphere, marked with creativity and vibrant spirit, curious audience and social nature.
Festival Mladi Levi inhabits a place of encounters and surprises, continuously opening up to foreign artists and guests, who take pleasure in art and spread contemporary artistic or social topics in front of one another. It is a place of exchange as well as a cradle of new ideas, friendships and co-operations, which frequently extend beyond the local concepts or borders in the process of their growth.
Tickets can be picked up and paid for at the box office of the event venue, which opens an hour before the beginning.