Monday 28th – Wednesday 30th November 2022
Festival Drugajanje was established in 2002 in collaboration between the II. gimnazija Maribor secondary school and Bunker. The name of the festival is derived from the name of the school, but at the same time it refers to otherness; to another theatre, to another dance, to other formats, to another audience… But it also implies action, festivity, and, although we didn’t know it – or even suspect it – at the time, also duration!
Drugajanje has undergone some changes, but has always remained faithfully connected to young audiences, to international and local contemporary performing arts, and to Maribor. After twenty editions, the 21st Drugajanje is expanding from Maribor to Nova Gorica and Ptuj. The hubs in the two “new” cities are also secondary schools, and in the coming years, our goal is to expand the successful format throughout Slovenia.
The 21st festival Drugajanje brings contemporary performances to Maribor, Nova Gorica and Ptuj – fresh formats, current content, and this year, also a series of workshops, which appeal mainly to students of secondary art schools and seek to offer them short joint artistic processes.
Welcome to Drugajanje – it was conceived in different times, but it is different and intended for different people every year – each time for new generations and at the same time, for all generations!
Alma R. Selimović
Tickets for the festival are free of charge.
Reservations and information at : +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si
Programme and executive production: Alma R. Selimović
Programme advisors: Mojca Jug, Lea Kukovičič, Ivan Lorenčič
Produced by: Ajda Koloini, Špela Kopitar, Anja Vrhovšek
Public relations: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Technical coordinators: Andrej Petrovčič, Sani Smajić
Technicians: Duško Pušica, Vid Starman, Manca Vukelič
Proofreading: Irena Androjna Mencinger
Translation: Tadej Turnšek
Design: Tanja Radež
Partner schools:
II. gimnazija Maribor
Trg Miloša Zidanška 1, 2000 Maribor
Gimnazija Nova Gorica
Delpinova ulica 9, 5000 Nova Gorica
Gimnazija Ptuj
Volkmerjeva cesta 15, 2250 Ptuj
Drugajanje was made possible by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
In cooperation with: Nagib, KonS, MKC Maribor – Kulturni inkubator
Monday, November 28th
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 3 p.m.
Jan Rozman & Julia Keren Turbahn
movement performance
Due to illness, the play will be presented later in a year.
Gimnazija Ptuj / at 7 p.m.
Agate Bankava, Artūrs Čukurs, Andrejs Jarovojs
dance performance
The performance is followed by the Audience Council – a discussion with the audience.
Amphitheatre, II. gimnazija Maribor / at 7 p.m.
Tuesday, November 29th
Amphitheatre, II. gimnazija Maribor / at 7 p.m.
Agate Bankava, Artūrs Čukurs, Andrejs Jarovojs
dance performance
Wednesday, November 30th
Kulturni inkubator Maribor / at 6 p.m.
work in progress
Amphitheatre, II. gimnazija Maribor / at 7 p.m.
Jan Rozman & Julia Keren Turbahn
movement performance
The performance is canceled due to illness.
Monday, may 15th 2023
Maribor center / Amfiteater II. gimnazije Maribor / at 6 p.m.
Ingrid Berger Myhre
a dance and musical performance
FESTIVAL PROGRAM 2022 - workshops
gimnazija ptuj
Gimnazija Ptuj / at 1 p.m.
Lea Kukovičič
Hamlet – Eternal Shadow or The Last Hamlet
Workshop for students
Gimnazija Ptuj / at 1 p.m.
Nataša Živković
Contemporary dance workshop
Workshop for students
Gimnazija Ptuj / at 1 p.m.
Tanja Radež
Upcycling – the visual art of upgrading the existing
Workshop for students
Gimnazija Ptuj / at 1 p.m.
Toni Soprano Meneglejte
Smartphone – a tool
Workshop for students
gimnazija nova gorica
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 8 a.m.
Jasna Vastl
Scenography workshop
Workshop for students
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 8 a.m.
Neja Tomšič
Opium Clippers
Theatre essay and workshop for students
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 8 a.m.
Andrejka Kopač
Post-drama theatre workshop for students
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 8 a.m.
Primož Bezjak
Acting workshop for students
Gimnazija Nova Gorica / at 8 a.m.
Špela Frlic
Storytelling workshop for students
Tuesday and Wednesday, November 22nd and 23rd
Kulturni inkubator Maribor / at 5 p.m.
Mali Weil
School of Interspecies Diplomacy and Werewolfish Studies
Workshop for students
More about drugajanje
Since 2001 Bunker is organizing Drugajanje festival in Maribor. It started on the initiative of the headmaster of a high school II. gimnazija Maribor Ivan Lorenčič and it grew into a permanent and fruitful partnership between Bunker and the school and also built a very successful bridge between Ljubljana, the capitol of Slovenia and Maribor, the second largest city in Slovenia.
Drugajanje is a concentrated short contemporary arts festival organized in collaboration with secondary school in Maribor at their theatre and at other venues in Maribor. The focus is on performing arts, especially contemporary theatre and dance. The festival was founded with the purpose of bringing the young generation and the whole city some fresh and vibrant performance art. At the same time it enables Slovene performances to spread out from Ljubljana, where most of the national contemporary scene is being produced.
Contrary to the belief that special performances for the youth should be produced for the youth, Drugajanje has always had a strong artistic contemporary profile and the program through the years always consisted of state-of-the-art contemporary theater and dance.
In the last years the festival has developed from a Slovene focused to internationally focused festival in terms of geographical distribution and has also had a shift in the format: from merely presenting finished works of art to youth and other inhabitants of Maribor we have started developing more process oriented festivals that strongly takes into consideration the festival’s home: Maribor.