closing event
Nine years ago, together with nine partners, we conceived the international project Create to Connect, in which we sought new connections between artists and audiences and established new public spaces through art. In 2018, we expanded the partnership and upgraded the project to Create to Connect -> Create to Impact with fourteen international artistic and scientific organizations.
In it, we explore the influence of art in society, the meaning and value of our work through the prism of social changes, opening up new spaces, empowerment, and emancipation. The Create to Connect -> Create to Impact project is coming to an end at the end of August this year, but the cooperation between the partners continues, perhaps also in the new project called Create to Permeate. But first, we take the time to look back.
At the dynamic closing event, we will talk about what we have succeeded in; we will present the new book Social Impact in Art and Culture: The Diverse Lives of a Concept, edited by Iva Kosmos and Martin Pogačar and published by ZRC Publishing House and Bunker; and in the end, we will have the opportunity to see the interventions of the artists with whom we collaborated the most in the project.
10.30 – Create to Connect -> Create to Impact – presentation of the project: Alma R. Selimović, Maja Vižin, Tamara Bračič Vidmar, Klara Drnovšek Solina, Carolina Mano Marques, Tjaša Pureber
11.00 – Social impact in art and culture: the diverse lives of a concept – book presentation and a roundtable discussion: Iva Kosmos, Martin Pogačar, Istvan Szakats, Josipa Lulić
14.30 – Tanja Radež & Nada Žgank: A Quarter of a Century – guided tour of the recomposition
15.00 – Jaka Železnikar: Private Property – Access Forbidden (Updated) –online intervention
15.30 – Siniša Labrović: Besede Words – intervention in public space ▪ Prešernov trg
17.00 – Discussion Café: Art – Future – Social Impact – Silke Huysmans, Hannes Derrere, Lea Kukovičič, moderator: Sodja Lotker ▪ Šd Tabor
More about the project: www.ctc-cti.eu
Partners: Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenija * Artsadmin, London, Velika Britanija * AltArt, Cluj-Napoca, Romunija * BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Norveška * La Villette, Pariz, Francija * Noorderzon, Groningen, Nizozemska * Theater Rotterdam, Nizozemska * Arts and Theatre Institute, Praga, Češka * Culturgest, Lizbona, Portugalska * Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU), Ljubljana, Slovenija * Drugo more, Reka, Hrvaška * Santarcangelo dei Teatri, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italija * NTGent, Gent, Belgija * Public Art Platform – Tbilisi, Gruzija * United Artist Labour, Beograd, Srbija
The event is in English.
The Project Create to Connect -> Create to Impact is supported by the European Union programme Creative Europe – Culture.