Announcing the artists and opening applications
Three days of performances, discussions, artist talks and discovering Slovenian and international trends in performing arts. We are announcing the TRIGGER 2022 application and revealing exciting artists that will open your doors into Slovenian independent performing arts production.
TRIGGER is a platform for internationalization of contemporary independent performing arts. We are developing TRIGGER in co-production with Centre for Creativity and in partnership with Bunker, Glej Theatre, City of Women, Moment, Pekinpah, Mladinsko Theatre and Maska (Nova pošta programme). Each year the showcase features productions from several other Slovenian producers. This year we will show works produced by Delak, Emanat and Sploh.
The fourth edition of TRIGGER platform is opening the question of the future of international collaboration and artistic distribution under new circumstances, brought about by health, ecological and social crises. Besides the showcase we will also offer an extensive discourse programme and a conference, focusing on decolonization of aesthetics.
TRIGGER your passion for new performative aesthetics, inspiring practices and international allyships. Become part of TRIGGER platform.
This year, TRIGGER is bringing you some of the most exciting names in the Slovenian independent performing arts scene. Here is the first glance at our pick.
Beton Ltd.: Grosse Erwartungen / Great expectations I performance (Bunker)
After ecology, transitional/growing‑up loss of illusions, the impotency of resistance, generational angst, time has come for great expectations and the future of those, who have everything. To lose.
Žiga Divjak: Fever I performance (Mladinsko Theatre, steirischer herbst 21′ and Maska)
Climate crisis, class society and neoliberal capitalism. Is violence the answer? Performance about the limits of one’s own consciousness and historical responsibility to change the world.
Matija Ferlin: Sad Sam Matthäus I performance (Emanat, Matija Ferlin, Wiener Festwochen, CND Centre national de la danse, Istarsko narodno kazalište – Gradsko kazalište Pula)
Pain. Death. Passion. What happens if the idea of performance outdoes the possibilities of bodily action? Bach’s St. Matthew Passion as a performance for a single performer.
Matej Kejžar: Movements 9 I performance (Pekinpah, Matej Kejžar)
9 pieces, 9 movements. A ‘favourite album’ as a choreographic frame where dance resonates between proto-knowing, rhythm, musical force, listening and hearing, narration and abstraction.
Lea Kukovičič: FORSALE I artist talk (Bunker)
Auction house for theatre performances. Next step in the history of ownership and the future of the ephemeral economy.
Zoran Petrovič: Victora 2.0 I performance (Moment, GT22)
Winners are confident. Winners are passionate. Winners never quit. Winners have partners. Winners have sex. Winners win. Performance on the boundaries of reality and illusion.
Mark Požlep, Maxime Berthou: SOUTHWIND I cinematographic essay and artist talk (Glej Theatre)
Paddle steamer, 1712 miles of the Mississippi River and two artists in the heart of colonial land. Practice-based research and performance in the making in co-production with SPRING Festival.
Irena Tomažin, Jule Flierl: U.F.O. I performance (Irena Z. Tomažin + Jule Flierl, SOPHIENSÆLE, Zavod Sploh, Charleroi Danse Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles, PACT Zollverein)
A homage to Katalin Ladik that blurs the boundaries between poetry, acting and experimental voice work, while continuing the two artists’ own research.
Dragan Živadinov: Finalizem::Fonemi I theatre production form (Delak)
Life is a dream. Theatre is a medium of baroque illusion. Hail to the theatre spotlight!
Nataša Živković, Sara Šabec: Everything is Alright I performance (City of Women, Ljubljana Puppet Theatre)
No education without participation! First hand tales from high school students about the kind of education they want. And deserve. Hey, the kids are alright!
March 29, 2022: Maribor I pre-event
Conference about decentralization of art. Followed by Matej Recer, Gregor Zorc: How did we get here? I performance (Moment, Glej Theatre)
How many deaths are needed for us to live?
March 30, 2022: Maribor, Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 1
TRIGGER opening I Conference on de-colonization of aesthetics I Showcase performances
March 31, 2022: Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 2
Introduction to Slovenian independent performing arts scene, including recent budget cuts by the Ministry of Culture I Meet the producers I Showcase performances I Meet the artists
April 1, 2022: Ljubljana I TRIGGER full day 3
Showcase performances I Meet the artists I TRIGGER closing
Detailed programme will follow soon.
We are opening applications for TRIGGER 2022. TRIGGER will happen in Maribor and Ljubljana between March 30 and April 1, 2022. If you want to join us, please fill this application form as soon as you can, but not later than March 1, 2022.
We are offering free admission to all events, a limited number of subsidized rooms and a limited amount of travel support. And tones of art that will TRIGGER your mind.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach us on
Great. So are we. See you in Ljubljana and Maribor soon.
Your TRIGGER team
TRIGGER 2022 is a part of a partnership network Platform Center for Creativity. Platform Center for Creativity is co-financed by European Union from European Regional Development Fund and by Republic of Slovenia.