Tery Žeželj: Multispieces Landscapes: Chapter 1

Multispieces Landscapes: Chapter 1: Observation

»We have lost the habit of noticing through our own observations of the world in addition to conversations with human interlocutors (Mathews 2018). The Anthropocene is a wakeup call urging us to reinvent observational, analytical attention to intertwined human-and-nonhuman histories.« (Tsing, A. L., Mathews, A. S., & Bubandt, N. (2019). Patchy Anthropocene: Landscape Structure, Multispecies History, and the Retooling of Anthropology: An Introduction to Supplement 20, S188)

More about the project

The first event of Multispecies Landscapes will be a reading group in which we will discuss the importance of observation (not just visual) and “landscape literacy” for our relationships with various agents form which the landscape is emerging.

Reading the Landscape is an online portal for collecting different practices and approaches to observing and describing a small part of landscape in Tivoli Park. With landscape literacy and research into different ways of observing and reading a landscape being the main topics of the first chapter of the Multispieces Landscapes, the first day of spring saw the opening of an installation at the Old Power Station and the launch of the website Reading the Landscape, where we will collect and publish collected records.

Every two weeks, we will invite someone to visit the chosen part of Tivoli Park, observe and describe it and attach a photo of the observed landscape. The portal is open to everyone, so you are kindly invited to send your descriptions of the marked part of the landscape in Tivoli Park at mnogovrstne.pokrajine@bunker.si. If you want your record to remain anonymous, please let us know.

On Sunday, the reading will be accompanied by the opening of the installation, an invitation to observe and search for ways to coexist with various temporalities of relationships.

Author: Tery Žeželj
Producer: Maja Vižin
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana

With: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Evropska skupnost – program Ustvarjalna Evropa, Kultura, ACT – Art, Climate, Transition


20. 03. 2022

