Rima Najdi: THINK MUCH. CRY MUCH. – en
Think much. Cry much. je delo, ki je nastalo po polletnem intenzivnem raziskovanju meja. Rima Najdi je bivala in ustvarjala v vrsti rezidenc: v Talinu, v Vidmu, Droju, Münchnu, Helsinkih in tudi v Mariboru. V vseh krajih je raziskovala meje – v Sloveniji recimo rezilno žico in izkušnje beguncev. Predstava Think much. Cry much. se izvaja kot kompleksna koreografija, ki jo izvajajo udeleženci predstave po navodilih, ki jih prejemajo prek slušalk. Predstava je skupinski eksperiment, kako naše telo izvaja in dojema različne vloge v mejnih procesih: begunec, socialni delavec, policist, carinik …
The work of Rima Najdi, who lives between Beirut and Berlin, is a constant search for intermediate spaces, a reflection on the construction of identity, a pursuit of artistic ways of using body. The leitmotif of her works is the experience of corporality and alienage. She is interested in the vulnerability of the body in dealing with the politicization in the fields of sex, mobility, and representation. Rima Najdi was the chosen artist by the Urban Heat network, and she outlined the main theme for the performance at the art laboratories of the network throughout different cities.
Think much. Cry much. is a work that emerged after a half‑year intensive exploration of borders. Rima Najdi had a series of residencies: Tallinn, Udine, Dro, Munich, Helsinki, as well as Maribor. In all these places, she was exploring borders – in Slovenia, for example, it was the razor wire and the experiences of refugees. Think much. Cry much. is performed as a complex choreography executed by the actors following the instructions they are receiving through headphones. The performance is a group experiment of the way our bodies perform and perceive various roles in border processes: refugee, social worker, policeman, customs officer, etc.
Concept and Realization: Rima Najdi
Dramaturgy: Nadine Vollmer
Music & Sound Design: Farahnaz Hatam & Colin Hacklander
Graphic Design: Maria Kassab
Technical Director: Federico Nitti
Production Manager: Sigurdur Finnsson
Co-producers: Centrale Fies Art Work Space, SAAL Biennaal, Baltic Circle International Theatre Festival, SPIELART Festival München, Bunker – Festival Drugajanje
With support of: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana
In collaboration with: Dialoghi – Performing Arts Residencies, Villa Manin/CSS Udine
Photo: Rima Najdi’s archive
115 minutes
The performance is in English.