MENT Ljubljana is a three day showcase festival of fresh musical artists from all over Europe and beyond, with more than 70 performers performing at 14 venues across Ljubljana. MENT international conference focuses on the music industry and creativity. MENT Ljubljana received the 2017 European Festival Awards for Best Indoor and Best Club Festival in Europe. In the 6th edition of the festival, the Old Power Station will host the Czech patron of the reverie night birds Never Sol, the surrealistic and futuristic Norwegian avant pop artist Sturle Dagsland, the international lo fi indie soul quintet People Club, and the Hungarian electro folk jewel Ethnofil.
Tickets: www.ment.si/sl/tickets/
Photo: festival MENT
MENT in Stara elektrarna 2020 – 6th and 7th February
6th February 2020
8.45 p.m. – 9.25 p.m.: ALL STRINGS DETACHED (SI)
9.45 p.m. – 10.25 p.m.: NEVER SOL (CZ)
All Strings Detached (Slovenia)
“A duo with a rock attitude and decisive step that treads down the path of melancholy and gloom wearing a veil of fluffy gentleness and sensibility. Listening is obligatory, so is playing!”
MATIJA DROBNE, Radio Študent
NEVER SOL (Czech Republic)
“A billowing, diaphonos (sic) fabric, backlit by the brightest moon. We change skins and remain the same. Never Sol gently breathes these truths into layers of voice and synthetic instrumentation with thin fingers pulling at the whispy tendrils branching from our pulsing muscular motors.”