Last year, we have started the process of planning Nevenka’s Grove, a space at Tabor that is dedicated to the founder of Bunker, Nevenka Koprivšek, and is arranged in her spirit – open, fluid, for everyone and with constant care. Together with family, friends and coworkers, Bunker, ŠD Tabor, iPop, KUD Obrat and prostoRož designed and arranged the space (with the help of VOKA Snaga and Ljubljana City Municipality).
The grove is located right next to the Sports Association Tabor (ŠD Tabor); next to a playground that is bursting with action, it offers a more peaceful place and alongside a fluid and transitional zone, it offers a space to stop and pause. We livened up the terrain and partially moved it out of sight with grass mounds. The bench made of bricks reflects the style of the Old Power Station nearby, and the grove is a blend of Nevenka’s beloved plants, hydrangeas from her parents’ garden and plants that are enriching the space for all its users – including animals.
Nevenka’s Grove is not a completed space, it is a living installation, one which we continually take care of and renovate – we water it in the summer, plant bulbs
in the fall, clean and help put it back to its full function in the spring …
You are welcomed to pause and sit in Nevenka’s Grove during the festival’s busy atmosphere and have a sip of lemonade together before we venture further into the Mladi levi program.
Photo by: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Supported by: Evropska unija – program Ustvarjalna Evropa: Kultura, ACT – Art, Climate, Transition