Closing conference of the project RESHAPE
Zagreb and Ljubljana: 20th – 25th September 2021
RESHAPE is an experimental, collaborative, bottom-up process that creates instruments for the transition towards a fairer arts ecosystem, more in tune with the evolution of society.
At the heart of this research is a process involving 40 artists and art workers from across Europe and the Southern Mediterranean, engaged in collaborative work relating to five major challenges of today’s arts sector: Arts and Citizenship, Fair Governance Models, Value of Art in Social Fabric, Solidarity Economies and Transnational/Postnational Artistic Practices. Together they have created a series of prototypes – ideas and concrete tools that reflect and incite the transformation of the art sector towards practices that are more equitable, more sustainable, and more in line with the civil role of the arts.
The results of the RESHAPE research are here – at the final conference, the RESHAPE community will come together and welcome artists, art workers, researchers and policy makers to discuss their ideas, test their proposals and join in on the conversation on the future evolution of the arts sector.
The programme takes place in two cities – Zagreb and Ljubljana – and is a patchwork of diverse activities.
You will be able to:
→ discover, test and discuss RESHAPE Prototypes in “prototype sessions”
→ get inspired by conversations on transversal topics that have infused and guided the creation of the prototypes;
→ connect with colleagues that experiment with – or are curious to engage with – alternative organisational models
→ through artistic proposals, artists’ dinners and city walks, get to know the initiatives and the people behind them in Zagreb and Ljubljana who are busy experimenting with their ideas
The conference will also include the launching of the publication RESHAPE: A Workbook to Reimagine the Art World – a book presenting all RESHAPE Prototypes in dialogue with a number of existing, reworked, and commissioned works selected by the RESHAPE community.
Finally, many informal, playful, artistic moments will help the participants discover and connect to the vibrant and dynamic RESHAPE community.
The conference welcomes artists, art workers, researchers, policy makers, funding organisations, journalists, and everyone else interested in the transnational arts sector and its evolving practices. Join us to think and act towards the transformation of the arts sector!
Wednesday, 22.9.
4.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Alenka Zupančič: The End of Fantasy Versus the Fantasy of the End
Round table
8.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
FORSALE, Lea Kukovičič
Artist Talk
Thursday 23.9.
10 a.m. / MSUM
A Tarot Deck to Reimagine the Arts
10 a.m. / Sindikalna dvorana
4D Evaluation Focus Group
10.30 a.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Gamified Workshop Toolkit: Values of Solidarity
11 a.m. / Dijaški dom Tabor
Governance of the Possible
11.30 a.m. / Dijaški dom Tabor
Mobilising Resources for Solidarity: Presenting Art’n’Stay
2.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Three Factories – Three Management Styles / From Electricity, Sugar and Bicycles to Art and Creative Industries?
Guided tour
2.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Guided tour
2.30 p.m. / Sindikalna dvorana
4D Evaluation Focus Group
5 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
The Art of Disobedience
Round table
8 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
First Altruistic Performance
Marko Bulc
Performance in English
10 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
First Altruistic Performance
Marko Bulc
Performance in English
Friday, 24.9.
10 a.m. / office of zavod Bunker
Pop-up Office of the Department for Civil Imagination
10 a.m. / Sindikalna dvorana
4D Evaluation Focus Group
11 a.m. / MSUM
The Home and the Suitcase: A Discussion on the Value of Art in the Social Fabric
11 a.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Gamified Workshop Toolkit: Values of Solidarity
11.30 a.m. / Dijaški dom Tabor
Mobilising Resources for Solidarity: Presenting Art’n’Stay
2.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Three Factories – Three Management Styles / From Electricity, Sugar and Bicycles to Art and Creative Industries?
Guided tour
2.30 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Guided tour
2.30 p.m. / Sindikalna dvorana
4D Evaluation Focus Group
5 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Certain Things Need to Be Said if One is to Avoid Falsifying the Problem.
Round table
8 p.m. / Ljubljana
Artist Dinners
For conference guests
Saturday 25.9.
5 p.m. / Stara mestna elektrarna
Hoppla, Wir Leben. The Lost Art of Self‑Resignation
Beton Ltd.
RESHAPE is a partnership of intermediary arts organisations supporting the development of the arts sector in their countries or regions. The closing conference is organised by Pogon (Zagreb) and Bunker (Ljubljana).
• ACT Association for Independent Theatre, Bulgaria
• Alt Art, Romania
• Artemrede, Portugal
• Arts and Theatre Institute, Czech Republic
• British Council, United Kingdom
• Bunker, Slovenia
• East European Performing Arts Platform, Poland
• Flanders Arts Institute, Belgium
• Goethe-Institut Barcelona, Spain
• Onassis Foundation & Onassis AiR, Greece
• Onda – French Office for Contemporary Performing Arts Circulation, France
• Pogon – Zagreb Centre for Independent Culture and Youth, Croatia
• Pro Helvetia, Switzerland
Associated partners:
• Danish Arts Foundation, Denmark
• Ettijahat – Independent Culture, Lebanon
• European Union National Institutes for Culture, Belgium
• Performing Arts Fund NL, The Netherlands
• Frame Contemporary Art, Finland
• Mondriaan Fund, The Netherlands
Reshape trajectory facilitators:
Pedro Costa, Nike Jonah, Marta Keil, Katarina
Pavić, Shelagh Wright & Peter Jenkinson
Reshape advisors:
Silvia Bottiroli, Nico Dockx, Davor Mišković and
Rana Yazaji
Reshape closing conference organisational team:
Tamara Bračič Vidmar, Klara Drnovšek Solina,
Alma R. Selimović, Milica Ilić, Mojca Jug,
Ajda Koloini, Špela Kopitar, Matea Munitić
Mihovilović, Anja Pletikosa, Marijana Rimanić,
Sonja Soldo, Maja Vižin, Polona Vozel, Željko Bašković
Design: Dejan Dragosavac Ruta
Illustration: Sanja Stojković