Image Snatchers present: Mad Jakale In A Film We Haven’t Seen
Tatovi podob predstavljajo: Mad Jakale v filmu, ki ga nismo videli, CUK Kino Šiška, 9.12.2023

Image Snatchers present: Mad Jakale In A Film We Haven’t Seen

The regular, modular, surprising and never constant artistic and social evenings of Image Snatchers were created in various forms of collaboration by the colleagues of the collective The Feminalz. The group started developing their working methods in 2013 and continuously refines them in the evenings of technoburlesque with new artistic contributions, comments and statements that address the audience in the most direct way. In the Image Snatchers Present series, members of the group take a closer look at one of their technoburlesque characters. After Mathilda and Her Buns by Urška Vohar and The Lives and Deaths of H.P.D. by Loup Abramovici, it’s time for Mad Jakale. At the third technoburlesque show, The Feminalz, coated with glitter and theatrical magic, led by Mad Jakale, will share and experience with you a film that we have not seen before. They will illuminate the phobias, binaries, anxieties, horrors and limitations of the world. And celebrate bodies imbued with potent sexuality, bodies that find themselves in this world, bodies that sing the glory of love, and dance its unpredictable dance, on 5, 6, 7, 8. Collaborators Concept, direction, choreography: Maja Delak (Mad Jakale) Created and performed by: Loup Abramovici (H.P.D.), Maja Delak (Mad Jakale),…

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Technoburlesque Image Snatchers

DEAR VISITORS! IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEW CONDITIONS FOR VISITING CULTURAL EVENTS, TVA CONDITIONS APPLY TO VISIT THE THEATER – tested, vaccinated or those who already had covid As befits the last day of The Great Symposium of “Small Arts”, it will be ostentatiously concluded by the big names of the Feminalz collective! If you are not yet sufficiently disheveled from the sustainability-oriented guidelines and red coloured from the barely departed summer, let yourself be disintegrated by the great classics of small arts. Let kitschy fun and glitter dazzle our senses with stolen and recycled images. Apocalypse in the colors of kitsch, gold = fight, fade out till hora legalis. The Technoburlesque Image Snatchers is a mute comedy of the body that mocks rigidity of social roles. It uncritically appropriates, copies and glues together femininity, masculinity, family relationships, machismo and other degenerated social roles that are unrighteous considered to be normative. The performance will be in Slovene and English. Tickets: 5 eur Ticket purchase: The performance takes place as part of the “Small Arts” Symposium: The symposium is held in Slovene and English. The condition for participation in all events is RVT (recovered, vaccinated, tested) proof. Project is…

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