Original music can be dissolved in the interpretation of street musicians and then again reassembled into a new original whole. Tomaž Grom went to Balkan city streets and offered his original music to interpretation by street musicians from Priština, Novi Sad, Tuzla, Maribor, Tetovo and Zagreb. These musicians usually happen to be immigrants who were forced to leave their homes for political or economic reasons. Some of them are homeless and beggars, self-taught or academically educated musicians, but all of them carry their own story. With this project Tomaž Grom wants to erase or at least blur the boundaries, which exist in the perceptions of people. And music is precisely the medium, which has explicit potential to bring people together and provide inspiration for new visions. On stage individual stories will unite in the common music context without considering delimitations. Video and audio recordings from the streets will intervene with live performance.
…concert hall/street, tradition/renewal, audible/invisible, inaudible/visible, copyright/folk, live/recorded, physical/virtual, concealed/direct, spontaneous/codified, original/reproduced, acoustics/electronics, Europe/Yugoslavia…
- Concept: Tomaž Grom
- Authors and performers: Dario Krmpotić, Daniel Marinič, Šaban Karajić, Nermin Frljanović, Nevaip Saliu, Edison Shukriu, Gentijan Ymeri, Miroslav Matić, Ill Bylykbashi, Tomaž Grom
- Co-creator: Špela Trošt
- Light design: Igor Remeta
- Video crew: Marion Trotté, Aleš Smolej, Boris Petković
- On-field collaborators: Adrian Aziri, Algert Skenderi, Anes Husanović
- Producers: Alma R. Selimović, Špela Trošt
- Production: Bunker, Ljubljana & Zavod Sploh v okviru mreže Global City – Local City
- Supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana City Municipality, EU Culture Programme
Photo: @Domen Ulbl Photography
Dodatne informacije
2nd December 2014 at 7.00 p.m., Drugajanje Festival, II. gimnazija Maribor
Past perforamnces:
- 5th December 2014 at 8.00 p.m., Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
- 21st April 2015 at 8.00 p.m., Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana