The GREENSTAGE project represents a collaborative effort among the hereby following partners: four performing arts partners, two municipalities, a renowned international sustainability research think tank, and seven associated partners, each with their respective performing arts operators. The project seeks to enable the performing arts sector in collaboration with municipalities to implement environmental sustainability promptly and effectively in their practices, with a particular emphasis on circular stage design, in response to pressing environmental challenges.

To achieve this objective, the GREENSTAGE project develops the Sustainability Assessment for the Performing Arts Tool (SAPA), which empowers theatre staff to introduce sustainability changes via a hands-on, low-threshold tool. The SAPA Tool generates 5 concrete action plans with sustainability measures, enabling the staff of the partners to make immediate inroads on ecological sustainability. Moreover, the GREENSTAGE project fabricates the Zero-Waste Toolbox, featuring existing tools pertinent to the circular economy, which provide a practical pathway through the guidelines. During the Zero Waste Lab, the GREENSTAGE project will carry out two zero-waste productions, a festival, and two material flow plans. The SAPA Tool, training materials, and insights from the Zero Waste Toolbox will be available on the GREENSTAGE platform to facilitate immediate use by the performing arts sector and apply the concrete lessons learned.

The GREENSTAGE project engages policy makers from the outset and conducts local and transnational policy hubs to identify urgent problems, define policy measures and develop a set of policy recommendations. At the local level, these recommendations will be concrete and actionable, while at the transnational level they will be summarised in the GREENSTAGE Declaration, which will be endorsed by all partners and stakeholders and presented to the relevant decision-makers in Brussels.


Project partners
Theatre Oberhausen, Oberhausen, Germany (Lead partner/Coordinator)
Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Co-organiser)
Municipality of Mantova, City of Mantova, Italy (Co-organiser)
The National theatre of Latvia, City of Riga, Latvia (Co-organiser)
Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy, City of Wuppertal, Germany (Co-organiser)
Volkstheater Vienna, City of Vienna, Austria (Co-organiser)

Associated partners
NRW KULTURsekretariat, City of Wuppertal, Germany
Municipality of Wuppertal, Germany
Municipality of Dortmund, Germany
Municipality of Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Municipality of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Municipality of Riga, Latvia
Municipality of Vienna, Austria

Collaboration partners
Theatre Gertrudes ielas teatris, City of Riga, Latvia
Off scene Mantova, Italy
Theatre Dortmund, Germany
Consol Theatre Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Off scene Wuppertal, Germany


  • SAPA TOOL WORKSHOP – a workshop on Sustainability Assesment tool for Performing Arts; 22nd – 26th April 2024, Wuppertal, Germany
  • Zero-Waste Toolbox Workshop – 17th – 20th June 2024, Vienna, Austria
  • Best Practice Examples Workshop, 2nd – 6th December 2024, Theatre Vidy, Lausanne, Switzerland