#Open Stage
Together with other partner organizations, we have opened the #Open Stage (#Odprti oder) on the Museum Platform (Muzejska ploščad) in Ljubljana. Every week from 1st July to 31st August you can see theater performances, dance, puppet shows, music, literature, talks… and MLADI LEVI FESTIVAL 2020! We have prepared more than 100 free events and we invite you to join us this summer!
For more information about the program, visit the website odprti.si or the facebook event #odprtioder.
Because we are #open for diversity. For the theater. Dance. Movies. Music. Literature. Museums. Art. Theory. Humanities. Diversity. Community. Because we are #open for culture.
#Open stage is part of the We are #open for culture campaign, which takes place in collaboration with a wide range of cultural producers. We came together because we believe that culture is a key connecting element in society. And because we want to give it a suitable place in it.
Various outdoor events will take place in Slovenia under the #odprtizakulturo brand. In Ljubljana, this is the #odprtioder on the Metelkova Museum Platform. Holders of the stage are the Slovenian Cinematheque (Slovenska kinoteka), the Slovenian Youth Theater (Slovensko mladinsko gledališče), the Bunker Institute (Zavod Bunker), the Ljubljana Puppet Theater (Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana), the Glej Theater (Gledališče Glej) and the Association of Cultural Societies Ljubljana (Zveza kulturnih društev Ljubljana).
Support: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Center za kreativnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo