… I’ve a clock that won’t work, and an old telephone
A broken umbrella, a rusty trombone
And I am delighted to call them my own
I love them because they’re trash … (Aerosmith)
To live in accordance with the principles of sustainable development can be somewhat difficult because it interferes directly with the lifestyle of an individual and even more, the comfort of living. What can be better than creating a machine out of trash that is useful and even offers aesthetic enjoyment: music! Trash in the installation BeatBox/Trash is Sound is constructed into a mechanism that creates sound and is connected to microphones and loudspeakers. Sound atmosphere, that will be created by the beatbox in a dark room, will be softened by old decorative lights and colour led diods. Sound instalations will hopefully arise some doubts about passive recycling that starts and ends with dividing glass from plastic, which heals the consequences but not the source of the problem. Active recycling enables us to reuse the materials in different contexts. So all the old plastic kitch in the new form can offer enjoyment by sound and an opportunity to even dance.
Concept: Tretaroka (NATAN, Saša Kerkoš, Ida Hiršenfelder)
Author of the instalation: NATAN
Ilustration and design: Saša Kerkoš
Theory: Ida Hiršenfelder