Due to bad weather forecast sound instalation On This Merry Day of Culture is moved to Stara mestna elektrarna venue on August 23!
Monday, August 23 at 4.30 p.m. // moved to Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Tuesday, August 24 at 6 p.m. // Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana
Thursday, August 26 at 12 p.m. // Miklošičev park
Thursday, August 26 at 6 p.m. // Prešernov trg
Musician and double bass player Tomaž Grom sees music as a medium of communication rather than just aesthetic pleasure. For him, music is a search, an in-depth reflection, and he sees precarious situations also as an opportunity to stir up the current social space. On This Merry Day of Culture is a composition of 657 farts, contributed by 111 artists for a fee of 20 EUR. It was first performed on the Museum Platform on December 3 2020, where it echoed from the surrounding buildings, the Ministry of Culture and Metelkova 6 (home to many NGOs), and opened up questions of shame, tabooing and normalizing bodies, of the related intimacy, as highlighted by many of the participating artists, and questions of what we perceive as (contemporary) art – is it a fart or a pussy’s smoke (with potential), as Anja, one of the participants of the project, writes in response to Grom.
As part of the Mladi Levi festival, the composition will resonate in front of the ŠD Tabor, the Old Power Station, Miklošič Park, and Prešeren Square. On a limited vinyl edition it can resonate also from your home gramophone.
Authors: Tomaž Grom with 111 creators
Co-produced by: Via Negativa, Zavod Sploh
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Image by: zavod Sploh
Information: info@bunker.si, 00386 51 269 906.