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We know, but cannot grasp, that above and below, beyond the limits of perception or imagination, thousands and millions of simultaneous transformations are at work, interlinked.
Stanisław Lem, Solaris
Such a sense of disorientation is established by Lem’s Solaris, which is riddled on the one hand with clear categorizations and factuality, and on the other with perplexity and unexplained tension. However, The Vibration of an Individual String is not an interpretation of the Lem’s literary work, but a stage experiment stimulated only by glimpses, fragments of meanings and topics, which tests some of the novel’s impulses in a movement-stage framework.
The presences of the bodies and their diverse vocabularies are trying to operate in a space that establishes its own rules. The ontology is not known in advance, its coordinates are not explicitly written anywhere, and yet the trajectories of the journey through it express them all the time. It is an involuntary movement determined by the outside, by the points of gravity that guide the body past each other, as well as closer and closer. Is an encounter inevitable? And what kind of contact occurs at the intersection of vague narrative lines, fragmented logic, and imperfect meaning? Perhaps merely a sober realization of one’s own limitations, which often destroys many expectations and aspirations.
Dance is therefore a binding force, intermediacy of external points, the flesh of solitudes, of bodies. It is a movement that mends distances, while still retaining the qualities of differences. A list of bodily remains, gestures, poses, postures, expressions, phrases, sequences – an accumulated small scale past of one’s own (stage) world and the roaring transformation of the (un)imagined whole. Maybe even the upcoming one, the one that is already almost here.
Choreography and dance: Katarzyna Chmielewska, Magdalena Reiter, Jakub Truszkowski
Video, set design, lighting design: Atej Tutta
Dramaturgy: Rok Bozovičar
Music: Radosław Duda
Costume design: Ana Savić Gecan
Production: Magdalena Reiter, Tina Dobnik for Mirabelka Institute (SI), Michal Jankowski for Teatr Dada von Bzdülöw (PL)
Co-production: Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Ljubljana
Partners: Bunker (SI), Teatr Wybrzeże (PL), GAK Winda (PL)
Slovenian premiere: 10. 12. 2021, Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
Polish premiere: 18. 12. 2021, Teatr Wybrzeże, Gdańsk
The performance is co-financed by the City of Ljubljana – Department of Culture, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, and the City of Gdansk