Silvia Costa: La quiescenza del seme

Quiescence is suspension, hibernation, and a state of inactivity, which nevertheless suggests an internal activity or readiness for a new beginning. Seeds lay dormant while waiting for desirable conditions for germination and growth. The term quiescence can also be used for volcanoes, which are currently not active, and for the tranquillity of mind that doesn’t wander – but isn’t extinct either. La quinescenza del seme is an intimate solo work by Silvia Costa, a young Italian artist. Nevertheless, the theme of her performance is the opposite process, a process where one doesn’t wake up and spring into action, but sinks back into a state of calm readiness, into the state of 0. The performance is a fascinating straight-line story about returning back into darkness and water, back into peace and back into being itself.

Author and performer: Silvia Costa
Music and light design: Lorenzo Tomio
Technical assistance: Mattia dal Bianco

30 minutes


29. 11. 2012




Amfiteater II. gimnazije