Nina Božič: ART vs. BUSINESS
Nina Božič’s performance was also created as a part of the Nomad Dance Academy. It’s based on the story of Nina’s “changing over” to the art. She achieved the pinnacle of her business career before she reached 30. Among other successful careers, she was the manager of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development in Slovenia. After her initial familiarisation with dance, she decided for a change in her life and participated for three months at the Nomad Dance Academy workshops and lectures. Since both art and business demand from a person to use his/her skills and qualities and stay with the subject he/she knows best, Nina’s performance unites the art and business world.
Art vs. Business is the artist’s address to business circles to sponsor her. In exchange, she offers them an insight into dance as a tool for personal and business growth. She uses words, movement, music and images and clear graphs and drawings to illustrate how the business world can apply artistic techniques in their sphere and so maximize their efficiency and at the same time appeals to audiences and possible sponsors, in order that she can complete her performance, which is still a work-in-progress. This lecture performance achieves both goals: it convinces the audiences with its artistic value and also the business idea.
Concept and performance: Nina Božič
Lighting design: Samo Gosarič
Set design: Venelin Shurelov (drawings), Nina Božič, Samo Gosarič
25 minutes
The performance is in English.