immersive documentary installation with narration
Neja Tomšič is a visual artist who made a name for herself both in national and international arena with Opium Clippers – a performance she describes as a visual essay – as a performing artist who builds her work on meticulous and in-depth research. She is also an exceptional storyteller who can develop a narrative from a cup of tea, starting from a small sip of the precious liquid to colonial and mercantilist shifts in the world order.
Neja Tomšič is part of the Nonument Group collective, a group of interdisciplinary artists, architects, and theorists who derive their artistic actions from research, mostly in public space. Nonument is defined as architecture, monuments, public spaces and infrastructure, the meaning of which has changed as a result of social or political changes.Circle was created as part of the Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition project, based on the themes of work and happiness. During artist residencies in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Mondaino, Italy, Neja Tomšič and her group explored public parks as neuralgic points of public life.
The starting and focal point of the theme is a specific park, the park of railroad workers in Cluj-Napoca, which has undergone many transformations. Using various recording and research methods, Neja Tomšič explored its history and current state, and particularly the remnants of the past that are layered in the earth – material relics, and are also stored in the imagination and memories of people and other living beings.
Authors: Nonument Group (Neja Tomšič, Martin Bricelj Baraga, Nika Grabar, Miloš Kosec)
Script: Neja Tomšič
Performing: Neja Tomšič, Nika Grabar, Miloš Kosec
Sculptures: Martin Bricelj Baraga
Sound design: Simina Oprescu
Recordings: Neja Tomšič and Martin Bricelj Baraga
Cluj Assistant researchers: Istvan Szakats,Flaviu Petean
Documentary off-voice: Flaviu Petean
Help with research in Alexandria: Mohamed Adel Dessouki, Sarah Baghat
Statements: Viorica Zsiga, Adrian Dohotaru,Vlad Rusu, Istvan Szakats
Voice of Viorica: Jadranka Gnezda
Sound technician: Luka Seliškar
Light design: Martin Lovšin Kostumografija: Dajana Ljubičič
Technical director: Igor Remeta
Technical coordinator: Martin Lovšin
Technical crew: Luka Bernetič, Andrej Petrovčič, Duško Pušica, Manca Vukelič, Vid Starman
Producers: Alma R. Selimović, Klara Drnovšek Solina, Ajda Koloini
Thanks to: Barbara Poček, Barbara Tomšič, Maks Bricelj
Public relations: Tamara Bračič Vidmar
Produced by: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-produced by: Centrul Cultural Clujean, L’Arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, MoTA – Museum of Transitory Art
The production was created in the frame of the international project Srtonger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition.
Supported by: Evropska unija – program Ustvarjalna Evropa: Kultura, Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Cukrarna / Muzej in galerije mesta Ljubljana
The performance is in english.
Photo by: Neja Tomšič