Mart Kangro is a choreographer, director and dancer, Juhan Ulfsak is an actor and director, and Eero Epner is a dramaturg and art historian. They have cooperated on several occasions in the past. Their common ground (in addition to Estonia and performative art, of course) are perhaps devised theatre, as well as Theatre NO99, where they all worked, and Eero Epner was one of its founders. It was just this year that Theatre NO99 has been dissolved, but the cooperation continues.

Workshop is a performance that feels like throwing the paradigm of lifelong learning, together with mansplaining and a sense of humor and the bizarre, into the blender of devised theatre. Three men who are helping us to learn something more in life, in which we are made human and can only exist through learning. But there is nothing patronizing in the performance, no pedagogical ballast or dull facts. At a time when there is video tutorial for everything – from how to install a child seat in a car, to how to properly eat a pineapple – watching live advice is almost as anachronistic as watching three white men on stage. However, Kangro, Ulfsak and Epner transform the workshop into a performative cabinet of wanders, from which they are drawing bizarre advice and out of which eventually emerges a community bound together by the story. What is theatre, after all, if not common learning and working in the laboratory of wonders?


  • Idea, execution, performance: Mart Kangro, Juhan Ulfsak, Eero Epner
  • Producer, consultant: Maria Arusoo
  • Sound design: Artjom Astrov
  • Lighting design: Oliver Kulpsoo
  • Co-produced by: Kanuti Gildi SAAL

With support of: Ministrstvo za kulture Republike Estonije

Duration: 110 minutes

The performance is in English, Slovene summary will be available.

Ticket reservation and information: +386 51 269 906,
Tickets have a symbolic price of 1 €. Volunteer contributions can be donated at all festival venues.
Tickets can be picked up and paid for at the box office of the event venue, which opens an hour before the beginning.



24. 08. 2019


21:00 - 22:50


ŠD Tabor