Lutke Festival: The Small Theatre from the End of the World, Opus 2

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, industry, in the service of victorious capitalism, organized labor on a forced march. Emancipation and progress were promises made at the cost of sacrificing the working class. Little Theatre from the End of the World is an exploratory triptych by creator Ézéquiel Garcia-Romeu. Opus 2 – the second part of the triptych – is created at the intersection between puppet theatre and visual installation. The desert landscape, traversed by creatures in search of a better life, is designed using a variety of mechanical pulleys, automata, and static puppets. The images speak of the uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, of a cataclysm that seems to be approaching us more and more rapidly, and above all it questions the position of the individual in a world full of overproduction of everything.

For 15+

Tickets are on sale at the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre.

Concept, visual design and manufacturing: Ezéquiel Garcia-Romeu
Dramaturgy and direction advising: Laurent Caillon
Music: René Koering
Sound design: Stéphane Morisse
Stage technology: Thierry Hett
Puppet making assistance: Martine Le Saout
Set design assistance: Odile Artru, Ana Almeida
Video assistence: Philippe Rombaut
Cast: Ezéquiel Garcia-Romeu, Iroslav Petkov, Christo Ivanov, Margarita Kostova/Teodora Rashev, Plamen Kanev
Digital game design and development: Pierre Gotab, Benjamin Maza, Aurore Huitorel Vetro, Castel Productions/Nectar de code
Video streaming’s design: Emmanuelle Vié le Sage
Opening: 2018

Coproducers: Théâtre National de Nice, Théâtre Nouvelle Génération – Centre dramatique national de Lyon, Le Théâtre – Scène nationale de Sénart, Le Carré – Scène nationale de Château-Gontier, Théâtre National de Marionnettes de Vidin, Plovdiv – capitale européenne de la culture, L’Extrapôle.


27. 09. 2024


19:00 - 19:55


7 €


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