Kate McIntosh is from New Zealand, but has been creating and living in Europe for more than two decades. She visited Ljubljana in 2007 in the context of Mladi Levi festival with All Natural, a brilliant solo performance in which she charmed the audience by switching between different roles. Recently, she was a guest of the Mladi Levi festival with the performance Worktable, where she prepared a landscape of objects for the audience, which we then disassembled and constructed new objects out of fragments and remains.
The starting points for the performance In Many Hands are similar: how to make an audience work together, engage, along with objects as active participants in the play. A simple and radical concept, as it has been described by Ive Stevenheydens, is a sensory experience which deprives the viewer of one sensory experience and strengthens the others – partly in order to build a community through joint work and research. In Many Hands is »part laboratory, part expedition, part meditation – as it unfolds, visitors take their time to engage and explore as they wish, following their noses and curiosities«. An opportunity to rediscover relationship with people and objects which we encounter and touch every day, but this time they are not a background – they are the main protagonists, together with us.
(New Zealand, Belgium)
- Concept and direction: Kate McIntosh
- Developed in collaboration with: Arantxa Martinez, Josh Rutter
- Presented by: Kate McIntosh, Lucie Schroeder
- Sound: John Avery
- Light and technique: Joëlle Reyns
- Technical direction tour: Michele Piazzi, Koen De Saeger
- Artistic advice: Dries Douibi, Gary Stevens
- Studio Assistance: Lucie Schroeder
- Drawings: Daria Gatti
- Producers: Sarah Parolin, Linda Sepp
- Local producer: Lea Kukovičič
- Production assistance: Jana Durnez, Anneliese Ostertag, Mara Kirchberg
- Finances: Laura Deschepper, Ingrid Vranken
- Produced by: SPIN
- Co-production: PACT Zollverein, Parc de la Villette, Kaaitheater, Vooruit Kunstencentrum, BIT Teatergarasjen, Black Box Teater, Schauspiel Leipzig, théâtre Garonne – scène européenne, far festival des arts vivants, House on Fire Network, Open Latitudes Network
Supported by: Vlaamse Overheid, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Nationales Performance Netz (NPN), Pianofabriek kunstenwerkplaats, Tanzfabrik
SPIN is structurally supported by BUDA Kunstencentrum for the period 2017 – 2021
Thanks to: Tom Bruwier, Martin Pilz, Andrea Parolin
Duration: 90 minutes