Have you ever wondered how to name the final human age in the event of human extinction? Let’s try to follow the analogy of the names of historical epochs, which highlight the most important material used by man to make tools and other objects … Jaka Andrej Vojevec, Slovene author and director of socially engaged theatre, a known figure in public space theatre and a close associate of non institutional stages, offers an answer: PLASTOCENE (material: plastics). Theatre of Human kind is an amusing museum experience of archaeological finds of a foreign civilization upon human extinction, which can be seen by a viewer alone or in a group guided tour. In both cases, they receive a map of the exhibition, a helmet and the essential gadget, 3D glasses. When we put on our own pair, we find out that only then we can really see. We encounter the knowledge acquired of us – the plastic dwellers – by the foreign civilization, especially about competitiveness and the concept of competition, about the unbridled accumulation in the name of religion, about the indifference towards the environment and other species. Theatre of Human kind is an immersive visualisation of the present, and its presence provides the opportunity for the general public to meet this fascinating species and recognize in it themselves – the Slovene plastic dwellers.
It is possible to see the installation individually.
Guided tours will also be organized, exact hours will be announced shortly.
Mandatory registration: info@bunker.si
Concept, text, tour guide: Jaka Andrej Vojevec
Preparation of exhibits, installation, execution: Katarina Zalar
Graphic image and design, layout, execution: Dani Modrej
Producer: Polona Vozel
Produced by: Bunker, Ljubljana
With the support of: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Evropska unija – program Ustvarjalna Evropa: Kultura, ACT – Art, Climate, Transition
Thanks to: Športno društvo Tabor, Onkraj gradbišča, Slovenski etnografski muzej
Photo: Dani Modrej
With the help of: ACT – Art, Climate, Transition, European Union: Creative Europe programme – Culture