Mythical is a transdisciplinary performance where archetypal stories of fierce women intertwine with the stories of female prisoners. Mythical or Mitska? The former, obeying the rules of our society, or the latter, listening to her intuition and taking a risk.
The prison can be many things, an abyss or a school, and behind its walls there are beings not so different from us. Whether they are heroes or antiheroes, the shadow of a savage keeps crawling behind them on all fours, and the stigma lurking in the distance.
Mythical is a piece / performance / concert which includes elements of dance and puppetry, challenging its creators to explore the potential of their primary disciplines and install their work into the scenic atrium of the Old Power Station.
Concept and direction: Hristina Vasić Tomše
Text: Andrej Tomše
Dramaturgy: Kim Komljanec
Music: Samo Kutin
Performance: Barbara Ribnikar, Jelena Rusjan, Samo Kutin, Andrej Tomše
Illustration: Nikola Đurđević
Costumes and props: Danica Vasić
Production: EX-teater
Partner: Bunker – the Old Power Station
Source material: Milica Antić Gaber, Začasno bivališče: Na grad 25, Ig , JAK, 2017
Financial support: Municipality of Ljubljana
The project is being developed in partnership with Ekvator, an association studying the experience of imprisonment.
Premiere: October 15, 8 PM
Replay: October 16, 8 PM
Venue: atrium of the Old Power Station
Reservation and information: info@bunker.si