Drugajanje 2024: Lia Ujčič and András Engelmann: Some things touch

“Some Things Touch” is a movement-based narrative about all of us.
It tells the story of the most natural human connections and their interruptions. It speaks of the skin and the heart beneath it, of emotions and feelings.
It offers contact, touch, and everything that words cannot express.”

Concept, creation, dance: Lia Ujčič and András Engelmann
Music: Rhoda, dné, Elandro
Photo: Grzesiek Mart

The performance at Drugajanje festival is organized within the framework of the Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery program financed by the Creative Europe program (2023-2026).
Program organized by Krakow Dance Theatre – Krakowski Teatr Tańca (PL), Central Europe Dance Theatre – CEDT (HU), Bunker (SLO), Hrvatski institut za pokret i ples – HIPP (CRO), M Studio and Moira Cultural and Youth Association (RO) and Vitlycke – CPA (SWE).


11. 11. 2024


18:00 - 19:00


Glavni trg 8, Celje