Touch is the choreographer is the stage is the garment.
Through choreographic proposals, DISCOllektiv and their guests take us on an imaginary catwalk where we can put on different clothes, stages, choreography and touch as a second skin to the one that has been with us all along.
Other skins “are not so much about actual touching as about creating a space in which touching is possible…. After a few dozen minutes, a universe of possibilities for encounters is established in the hall”, says Jaka Bombač in his review in Aplavz.
And more: other skins “invite us not only to touch (ourselves, others, the ground, the air), but also to see in a different way… they invite us to see without looking: ‘close your eyes, open them again, look around, recreate the vision in your imagination, close your eyes, see with your skin, feel others through the ground, through the air'”.
In conclusion, he writes “Despite its hybridity, Other Skins remains a performance, but a different kind of performance, one that we have access to always and everywhere, because it is the most ours, but at the same time the most common: it whispers quietly to us that if we know how to stay with ourselves, in our own skin, if we don’t run away again and again to watch, we will also know how to stay with others.”
From the review by Jake Bombač in Aplavz.
Clothing design, staging, choreography, set design, costume design, lighting design, sound and much more, in collaboration with Teo Kantoci, DISKOlektiv and guests
Production: idto.upri.se
DIS-KO-production: The World in Principlay
With the support of: the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Ljubljana
In collaboration with: Bunker Institute (Ljubljana), Škuc Association (Ljubljana), Krog Association (Celje), Q Cultural Centre (Ljubljana), Rareco (Albanella), L’Ex Asilo Filangieri (Naples) and P.A.R.C. – Performing Arts Research Centre (Florence), project Along the Way and Pfefferberg Theater (Berlin)