BEAVERS Festival: InterKlepec
InterKlepec is a fun, interactive, inter genre, intergenerational, and intermedia performance. It is an animated improvisational/musical/narrative event which combines powers of a musician Žiga Golob, illustrator dr. Horowitz and narrator Rok Kušlan, who jointly explore the popular hero from the Upper Kolpa region – Peter Klepec.
The performers combine the versions by Rudež, Čater, Bevk and Cankar and invite the audience to co-create a brand new version of Peter Klepec. The result of the interaction between the audiences and creators is a different InterKlepec every time.
Performed by: Žiga Golob, Ciril Horjak aka dr. Horowitz, Rok Kušlan
Executive producer: Mojca Zupanič
Illustration: Dr. Horowitz