meeting on the benches
Whilst primarily uniting art and nature, the international ACT – Art, Climate, Transition project has also endeavoured to bridge the generational divide in the past two editions of the Mladi Levi festival. In 2021 we joined hands with the Retirement Home Centre – Tabor unit and the art duo Škart to set up a creative writing workshop called Nonpractical Women, engaging with life experiences of retirees as a subject matter. Last year’s partnership with the DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia delivered a drawing-poetry writing workshop on the theme of endangered bird species and gave birth to a mural on the retirement home façade. As per residents’ request – this year we turn to trees, especially those inhabiting the Tabor city quarter and greeting the residents in their journeys. This week-long workshop will intertwine the belletristic art now residing in the newly open retirement home library, expertise on biology and arboriculture, and the vivid memories and impressions of nature embedded in the residents’ hearts and minds.
Keep your eyes wide open, you may well spot our trails!
Come for an afternoon chat and lemonade on 24th August, we’ll meet you on the benches of Nevenka’s grove in the Tabor Park.
Concept and production: Klara Drnovšek Solina
Arborist: Lena Marion
Eavesdroppers to Ljubljanica: Robertina Šebjanič, Ida Hiršenfelder
Illustrator and designer: Đorđe Balmazović – Žole / Škart
Moderators: Simona Solina, Blaž Šef
Supported by: Evropska unija – program Ustvarjalna Evropa: Kultura, ACT – Art, Climate, Transition
Thanks to: Dom upokojencev Center – enota Tabor, Mestna knjižnica Ljubljana – Knjižnica Otona Župančiča, Anica Albreht
Photo by: Nada Žgank, Ivana Vogrinc Vidali