closing event
Since 2010, Bunker has been a member of a partnership network that brings together art on the one hand, and what was previously known as ecology, but now more appropriately designated as the climate crisis. This signifies a broad constellation of various crises instigated by human actions. In its very beginnings the partnership was called On Thin Ice, renamed Imagine 2020, and ultimately ACT ̶ Art, Climate, Transition – following the key year transition. Present throughout was a collaborative pledge to raise awareness, inform, forge connections and collaborate to effect change. The partnership has survived many challenges around the involvement of collaborating organisations, people and project cycles. Its adaptiveness has allowed it to reach its final phase, taking the form of a closing event at the Mladi Levi festival as not merely a condensed overview of achievements accomplished, but also an announcement of goals and ambitions to come.
The landscape that strives for change is mostly one of resignation and defeat – the mere definition of the issue and corresponding goals is a challenge in itself. Yet, a near decade and a half of collaborative work stands as a testimony to the resilience of connections forged and changes gradually made, the importance of endurance in a long-distance run, and the crucial place art holds in this domain of action.
The closing event will be held in English.
ACT Day Programme
10.00 – Maja Vižin, Carolina Mano Marques: ACT – Art Climate Transition project overview
10.30 – Arie Lengkeek: Publication presentation
11.00 – Discussion: Janis Balodis, Agnes Quackels, Mateja Lazar, moderated by Carolina Mano Marques
12.00 – Eylül Fidan Akıncı & Tery Žeželj: PASSING BODIES:
* Tery Žeželj: IF TREES WOULD CRY, WE WOULD CRY TOO, sound walk
* Eiko Otake: A BODY IN FUKUSHIMA, film
15.00 – Robertina Šebjanič & Ida Hiršenfelder: CO_SONIC 1884 km² + oOo LIQUID, presentation of installation
17.30 – ACT Festival School, meeting on the benches (Park Tabor ̶ Nevenkin gaj)
18.00 – Urška Preis, Ivana Vogrinc Vidali, Tery Žeželj: IN THE GROUNDWATERS OF THE BODY, immersive journey (ŠD Tabor ̶ dvorana)
More about the project: https://artclimatetransition.eu/
Concept: Maja Vižin, Carolina Mano Marques
The Project ACT ̶ Art, Climate, Transition is supported by the European Union programme Creative Europe – Culture.
Photo by: Nada Žgank