The Audience Council is a series of public discussions about independent contemporary performances. Our creation is closely linked to the problems of today. We wonder if we are opening these issues in the right way. Are we dealing with the relevant issues? Do we know how to get in touch with the reality in which you live in and you brought to the performance? At each Council we will discuss on current performances on the Ljubljana independent scene with the aim to form the space for reflection, discussion and dialogue on what we watched, how we watched and what we saw. The Council thus strives to propel a vibrant exchange of exclusively spectator’s experience, opinions, reflections and expectations.

This season the Audience Council is moderated by Katarina Stegnar, a renown actress, author and – audience member.

The Audience Council in 2018

The Audience Council #1 2018: 13th January 2018, 8 p.m., after the performance of Marko Bulc: The First Altruistic Performance at the Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.

Video – a short talk with the author of the performance, Marko Bulc, after the Audience Council:

The Audience Council #2 2018: 21st April 2018 at 8 p.m., after the performance of Via Negativa: 365FALLSat the Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana.

Video – a short talk with the director of the performance, Bojan Jablanovec after the Audience Council:

The Audience Council #3 2018: 18th April 2018 at 8 p.m., after the performance of The New Post Office collective: 6, at the New Post Office, Ljubljana.

The Audience Council #4 2018: 7th September 2018 at 8 p.m., after the performance of Beton Ltd.: GROSSE ERWARTUNGEN/GREAT EXPECTATIONS in Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana.

The Audience Council #5 2018: 19th October 2018 at 7 p.m., after the performance of Koletiv Nove pošte: S*S, at the New Post Office, Ljubljana.

The Audience Council #6 2018: 20th November 2018 at 8 p.m., after the performance of Via Negativa: SORRY, at Cultural Center Španski borci, Ljubljana.

The Audience Council #7 2018: 10th December 2018 at 7 p.m., after the performance ofNataša Živković: Sonny, at Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana.

The Audience Council #8 2018: 10th December 2018 at 8.30 p.m., after the performance ofLana Zdravković / Kitch: No. 1, at Stara mestna elektrarna, Ljubljana.

Organized by: Bunker, Via NegativaMaska and Mesto žensk.

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