Slowind: FREEZES

At 7:30 p.m: pre-concert conversation You can use the HEARING LOOP at the event. Please switch your hearing aid to T-coil. FREEZES reading-visual-concert event 9th Slowind Spring 2022 (in co-production with the Ljubljana New Music Forum) Slowind ensemble Michel Pozmanter – conductor Larisa Vrhunc – sound Boris Beja – space Marko Čeh – directing advisor Mauricio Valdés San Emeterio – media programmer Martin Lovšin – technical coordinator Primož Vozelj – sound technician The starting point of the project is a look through today's lens at the work of France and Mira Mihelič. France Mihelič with his works of art, most notably kurent carnival figures, which in a refined form depict the collective and personal experiences of the traumatic period of World War II, and Mira Mihelič with her literary works, in which she proves to be an excellent observer of social developments, especially the transformation of Ljubljana's pre-war (petty) bourgeoisie society into a post-war socialist one – both of them imbued their work with glimpses of a time that is no more. And yet there are many parallels with today's turbulent moment and not very optimistic outlook for the future. The reading-visual-concert event intertwines excerpts from Mira Mihelič's autobiography Ure…

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