Robertina Šebjanič & Ida Hiršenfelder: CO_SONIC 1884 km² + oOo LIQUID
audiovisual installation
The work of Robertina Šebjanič explores ecological, geopolitical and cultural realities of aquatic environments, and the impact of human existence on these habitats and the organisms that inhabit them. In her analysis of the Anthropocene era and its theoretical framework, Šebjanič uses the terms »aquatocene« and »aquaforming« that refer to the impact of human population on aquatic environments. Her projects call for the development of empathetic strategies that strive for a recognition of rights pertaining to entities beyond human.
Meanwhile, beepblip [Ida Hiršenfelder] is a sound artist and archivist. She creates immersive psycho-geographical soundscapes using analogue electronics, DIY and modular synthesisers, field recordings and computer manipulation. She holds an interest in bioacoustics, experimental music and sound spatial-ising. Both artists featured in the Mladi Levi festival previously, Šebjanič with Subaquatic Soundscape, and both as part of the Theramidi orchestra.
They are bringing two compositions to this year’s festival edition – both draw on field recordings, which the authors process by using the tension between the beauty of biodiversity and human interventions in biological processes. Their artworks aim to invoke empathy and solidarity with different ecosystems and organisms, fostering an understanding of their interconnectedness and importance of coexistence. Hearing what normally resides outside of our usual sound experience and diving into (pun intended) these unique soundscapes serves as an empathic strategy.
Installation is open:
Sunday, 20 August, Monday, 21 August, and Saturday, 26 August, from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm
Tuesday, 22 August from 5:30 pm to 11:00 pm
Public presentation and guided tour:
Thursday, 24 August at 3:00 pm
Co_Sonic 1884 km² (2021–22)
Artist (concept, sound, photography, video editing): Robertina Šebjanič
Photo and video recording on site: Miha Godec
AI programmation of sound: Moisés Horta Valenzuela
Voices: Róisín Seoighe, Polona Torkar, Zagi Zornada
Sound mastering: Mauricio Valdes, Robertina Šebjanič
oOo Liquid (2021–23)
Artist (concept, sound spatialisation, video): Ida Hiršenfelder (beepblip)
Voices: Ana Čavić, Ina Puntar
Co-oproduced by: Zavod Sektor 2023
Supported by: Evropska unija: program Ustvarjalna Evropa – Kultura, ACT – Art, Climate, Transition, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Photo by: beepblip, Robertina Šebjanič