Ljubljana, Mohorje, 25.‒29. 9. 2023
UD – Artistic event
DD – Discursive event
Events at the Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
TUESDAY, 26. 9.
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
► 17.00
Irena Pivka in and Brane Zorman: The MOLAT Retreat • video about an unrealised work of art + conversation with artists (UD)
► 18.00
Novi kolektivizem: Register of NSK State Citizens; From 7 May 1993 to 18 August 2023 • razstava exhibition (UD)
► 19.00
OPENING of NOW IS HERE! with curators Alja Lobnik and Janez Janša
► 20.00
Dunja Zupančič and Dragan Živadinov: Molekular/II • exhibition + informance (UD)
► 21.00
Goran Bertok: The End, First Rehearsal • exhibition (UD)
► 21.30
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
► 14.00‒16.00
Pia Brezavšček: The Communal Creation of Yugofuturism: Searching for Strategies to Create an Imaginary of Another Possible (Feminist) Future
Rok Kranjc: Utopian Performatives: Pre-experiencing Worlds beyond Capitalism
The event will be held in English.
► 18.00
Peter Mlakar: SAMENESS – EQUALITY. The Living Proof. • performance (UD)
► 19.00‒21.00
Goran Sergej Pristaš: Undecidable Question • performance (UD)
The event will be held in English.
► 21.30
Irwin and Tevž Logar: National Exhibition of the NSK State • selection of research interviews with possible participants of the NSK State Art Exhibition + poster (UD)
THURSDAY, 28. 9.
Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana
► 16.00‒18.00
CONTINUITIES AND CUTS • roundtable discussion (DD)
Participants: Janez Janša, Alja Lobnik, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Tjaša Pureber, Teja Reba
► 19.00
Tanja Lažetić: Berlin ZOO • performance (UD)
► 20.00
Marko Pogačnik: Creating Gaia Culture • lecture (UD)
HERE IS NOW! in the Old Power Station (Tuesday, 26. 9., Wednesday, 27. 9. and Thursday, 28. 9.)
10 €
7 € ‒ students, seniors
free of charge ‒ unemployed
Reservation: pr@maska.si
Curators: Alja Lobnik and Janez Janša
Spatial design: Toni Soprano Meneglejte
Visual identity: Niko Lapkovski
PR: Urška Comino and Asiana Jurca Avci
Produced by: Tina Dobnik and Polona Dolžan
Technical management: Igor Remeta
Production: Maska Ljubljana
Partners: Bunker, Kino Šiška, DUM ‒ Društvo umetnikov, Elias 2069
Financial support: City of Ljubljana and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Acknowledgments: MG+MSUM and Zdenka Badovinac, who curated an exhibition of the proposals at the Museum of Modern Art in 2006 and a reminder of the project as part of the 1:1 exhibition in 2013, and who has continuously supported the realisation of the project.