Naked Stage: The Bohemian Tragedy

The unstoppable explorers of freedom in improvisation embark on a journey from scratch, again and again. They observe what is already between them and within the space. To go somewhere from scratch means that this scratch is already existent, rather than being nothing. In opening up the already existing, they create space for emerging structures. They fill the stage with bodies, movement, rhythms, voices, acrobatics and pantomime. While improvising, they learn their own language, which consists of dark Czech humour, movement enthusiasm and an exquisitely bad taste in folklore singing.

The performance is in English.

The ticket price is €7, and €12 for both performances of the evening.

Concept: Us boys who go out together
Performers: Andrej Lyga, Šimon Pliska
Music: Haštal Hapka
Lights: Jonatan Vnouček
Producer: Lucie Mlejnková

The ensemble My kluci, co spolu chodíme / Us boys who go out together was born at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. The boys, who often go on stage dates, met in freeform impro classes as part of their studies. Andrej Lyga is a Czech actor committed to physical, bodily entrances into performing, Šimon Pliska is a Slovak mime artist, Haštal Hapka is a musician who combines folklore elements with contemporary approaches, and Jonatan Vnouček is a passionate light designer. The boys occasionally perform at international festivals and regularly perform together in Prague, where they continue to explore special, untrodden paths of theatrical and performative improvisation.


26. 10. 2024


21:00 - 22:00




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