CHOREOGRAPHIC TURN #7: Céline Larrère, Laboratory
Céline Larrère: Come Together, Right now, over Ljublj, laboratory
April 17th – 19th, 2023
from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily
Sindikalna dvorana (Stara mestna elektrarna)
The Laboratory is part of the Choreographic Turn programme.
Participation in the laboratory is free of charge, please register in advance at nda@nda.si
Céline Larrère, a participant of the Nomad Dance Academy education programme and a member of Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, has built the methodology of her dance practice through collaborations and training with a number of artists, most notably Deborah Hay and Andrew Morrish. She returns to Ljubljana after more than six years, where she will share her knowledge, methodology and insights into dance improvisation in a three-day working and research process. As she says in her characteristic style: ‘My practice proposal for this grand reunion is dumb and simple. It is now in dumbness and simplicity that I find most surprises, which are for me the jewels of performing arts. My proposal is to get together to share improvised solo performance practice. The time frame will be very stiff, and I will lead it with rigor, but anything else will be very free. In the end we will have taken from and given to the others, with no authorship rights problems. It will be about enjoying watching others performing for us, and enjoying performing for them. Not more, not less.’
Céline Larrère. Born in Vesoul (eastern armpit of France) 9 months after François Mitterrand’s election, Céline is a French dance improviser and choreographer. She cultivates moving objects, dancing noises, putrefying texts, perishable choreographies, and unreasonable sustainable development performances through various media – body, voice, installation, photography, writing, cooking, in solo or with other people, in different sites and contexts. After having emigrated to Paris for almost 2 decades, she now lives in Jura, 10,3 km away from Comté Cheese’s world capital. Over the past few years, she has been performing in various French, Balkan and other European festivals and collaborated with artists from performance, theatre, audio-visual, music and dance fields. She is part of Les Moric(h)ettes (improvised performance collective with Emmanuel Matte and Eve Petermann), Jevtović & Larrerović (duet with Canadian-Serbian choreographer Jana Jevtović), and the worst half of Average Bastards (duet with the Norwegian musician John Hegre) and Cheval Chamane (duet with the French artist Anne Vaudrey).
Choreographic Turn is an approach to contemporary dance work(s) that provides contemporary dance makers of different profiles with a synergy of diverse elements of the dance production system. Its aim is the re-professionalization of contemporary dance in Ljubljana, the possibility for continuity and quality in creation in all its working phases, and the development of artistic, production and discursive competences.
More about the Choreographic Turn: https://choreographic-turn.net/CT-7
Organisation and production: Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia, 2023
Co-production: Kino Šiška, Španski borci and Bunker
Partners: JSKD, DUM
With the financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, the Municipality of Ljubljana, and the projects Life Long Burning and DOPODO supported by Creative Europe